A round table is a conversation in the form of a discussion on a given topic, in which each participant expresses his opinion. During the event, the audience must come to a certain unified position that suits everyone. A special person who does not participate in the discussion is called to lead the round table.

- - premises;
- - topic of conversation;
- - stationery (notebooks, pens).
Step 1
Prepare room and necessary stationery for all participants. Despite the name of the event, the table does not have to be round. It is important that the participants look at each other, and this can be done at both oval and square tables. Purchase the required number of notebooks and pens, such a set should lie in front of everyone present.
Step 2
Determine the composition of the participants. It should include equal members of one collective or society. For example, heads of departments, directors of firms or representatives of various committees. That is, the participants should be equal, this is what the round table suggests.
Step 3
Don't interfere with the conversation. The role of the moderator does not imply participation in the discussion, so do not express your opinion, refrain from commenting on the words of the participants.
Step 4
Manage the discussion by directing it in the right direction. This is your main goal. Stick to the topic, stop the participants when they move away from the topic of the conversation. A pause is also needed in moments of excessive stress.
Step 5
Try to give the floor to everyone. No one should be left on the sidelines, since he has been invited to talk. Therefore, invite those who are especially silent to speak up, stop those who talk too much.
Step 6
If the roundtable is going to take place in an open manner, it is worth thinking about the seats for the listeners as well as the area for the TV cameras. The latter should be located so that the entire table is viewed from it. The face of each participant must be visible from the position of the cameras.