Roundtable talks and meetings have been popular since the Middle Ages. Then the knights gathered at a round table. After all, this is the only way everyone feels equal and equal in status. And this greatly simplifies the discussion, where everyone can more boldly voice their opinion and make some suggestions.

It is necessary
- stationery;
- microphones;
- multimedia facilities;
- bottled water;
- glasses;
- press releases.
Step 1
At the round table, according to the observations of psychologists all over the world, it is easier to come to some kind of consensus in solving important issues, it is also easier to develop some kind of joint strategies for solving certain problems. The round table is also so loved by everyone because it is universal. You can get together behind him to discuss any problems - from socio-political to scientific and social issues. But success in negotiations can only be achieved if the event is properly prepared. To begin with, you must definitely prepare stationery, notebooks. All this is necessary to make the discussion more productive.

Step 2
You also need to be puzzled by the preparation of the multimedia part, if such is provided for by the event. For this you need to prepare projectors and other transmitting devices. For the convenience of those present and the speaker, laser pointers are useful. And, of course, microphones.

Step 3
To create a comfortable atmosphere at the negotiating table, you need to take care of several factors. For example, you need to prepare name badges for all participants in this event, so as not to waste time getting the participants to know each other. It is also necessary to put a glass and a bottle of water in front of each. And an additional plus for the organizers will be press releases with the main areas of conversation spread out in front of the participants.

Step 4
Of course, you should also take care of the host of this event. Since all those present should take part in the round table discussions, the presenter is needed to direct the conversation in the mainstream and not allow heated discussions to disrupt the event.

Step 5
Also, the responsibilities of the hosts of the round table include organizing a coffee break, which usually takes place when there is a pause in the discussions.