Making a managerial decision is the most important process in a manager's activity. When making a management decision, a manager chooses one solution to a problem from many. The result of the decision made serves as an assessment of the leader's activities.

Step 1
First of all, it is necessary to analyze the state of the control object. Determine the "pathological" state of the system, deviations from possible norms. The emergence or elimination of possible problems in the future. At this stage, it is very important to take into account all the information both inside and outside the system, analyze the situation, find out why certain problems have appeared. At this stage, the enterprise in most cases hires a group of experts who identify possible causes of problems, assess the current situation, make sure that you have enough resources, personnel, equipment, time, etc. to solve the problem. Determine how the manager and the enterprise will cope with this problem and with the reasons for its occurrence. Here it is necessary to develop a clear strategy, define goals, opportunities to achieve them, search for funds to solve the problem.
Step 2
Next, you need to collect information, find out who exactly needs to be entrusted with the implementation of the problem solving process, draw up a clear action plan. Develop basic solutions to the problem using simulation. If the time to decide on a solution is limited, you can use collective methods such as the Delphi method or the brainstorming method.
Step 3
With the help of comparison, choose an effective solution to the problem that is suitable in all respects. The chosen solution must be formalized properly. The documents should indicate who is responsible for the implementation of the decision, the timing of its implementation. In terms of implementing the solution, it is imperative to indicate a list of works that need to be carried out. In the future, the manager only controls the implementation process of the solution and carries out constant monitoring.