The boss plays a key role in the team. A real leader must make decisions competently and quickly. After all, he is responsible for the entire unit.

Step 1
A real leader must make decisions quickly. Sometimes procrastination has a negative impact on the work process. The speed with which the boss makes a choice depends on his competence and experience, as well as certain personal qualities. For example, it will be quite difficult for an indecisive person to immediately determine a plan of action.
Step 2
The boss must be confident in his decision and cannot change it according to his mood. But due to changed circumstances, the choice may be adjusted. Flexibility, the ability to adapt to the situation distinguishes an intelligent, resourceful leader. When such an individual is at the helm, the team can be calm about themselves.
Step 3
When making decisions, the leader must be objective. If the question is complex and ambiguous, its correct interpretation is much more important than efficiency. An experienced boss collects data, asks for relevant facts, examines the information received, and only then makes one or another choice.
Step 4
A competent leader should not dwell on one solution to the issue. First, you need to choose the best plan, the most profitable or the easiest to carry out. Secondly, as a last resort, there must be some kind of alternative. The competent boss understands that in some situations it is better to hedge.
Step 5
Sometimes it is required not only to solve some working issue, but to change the entire system or a significant part of it. An experienced leader understands that development is impossible without change. Only a wise, strong and decisive individual is capable of going on a real revolution.
Step 6
When resolving any work disputes, a good leader tries to remain neutral until the situation becomes clear to him. A just boss will first listen to all parties to the conflict, and only then will make his decision. Such a reasonable and objective person has no favorites.
Step 7
Emotional decision-making is unacceptable for a competent leader. A good boss understands that in the grip of strong feelings, it is difficult to make the right choice. He knows that it is better to wait and make a logical, balanced decision.
Step 8
The leader should draw on past experience when making decisions. However, he realizes the need to find sometimes new ways to resolve issues. The previously used method is not always the simplest and most correct.