There are a number of common mistakes that have repeatedly led not only to dismissal, but even to the destruction of reputation. Knowing other people's mistakes, it is easier to avoid them. Follow simple tips, and you can at least partially protect yourself.

One of the most common mistakes, which often leads to very unpleasant consequences, is being too frank on the Internet. Social networks and blogs sometimes seem to us to be something private, far from work, a kind of trash can, where you can leave any messages and pour out your soul. However, do not think that none of your colleagues or bosses will find out the address of your page and will not want to visit it. Unpleasant comments about clients, bosses or colleagues, alas, very often lead to dismissals, moreover, rather "loud", which can destroy a person's reputation. Refrain from such messages and follow what you write on the sites.
The second common mistake is inappropriate behavior at a corporate party. After drinking too much alcohol, people often begin to express their opinions about others, some get into a fight or begin to behave cheekily. Perhaps, after the holiday, this will be forgotten, but one should not count on such a favorable outcome.
The third mistake people often make not only at the workplace, but even during the interview. We are talking about unflattering reviews about the previous employer or team. People tell unpleasant things about their old place of work for a variety of reasons. Most often it is an offense, an unpleasant dismissal, a feeling of guilt, etc. I want to talk about it, complain or even take revenge on the previous bosses, destroying their reputation with unpleasant rumors. However, in a new place, such an undeservedly offended employee is perceived as a brawler.
As much as you would like to tell the whole truth about your previous job, do it outside the office walls. Complain to friends or family, get angry in a circle of close people, but do not talk about such sensitive topics with colleagues or management.