This article is a veritable collection of bad business tips. Tired of what you're doing? Annoyed by high sales? Tired of seeing the faces of your subordinates? Do you want to drop everything and go somewhere to the end of the world, where tax audits, conference calls and 1C have not yet been invented? Read on!

Step 1
First, there will be enough activity. You are a man, not a machine. Start small: turn off the alarm and get up when you feel like it, don't forget to stop by a couple of stores on your way to work, cancel all appointments in the morning, and the more unexpected the better. Do not explain the reason for the cancellation to anyone: you do not have to report to them!
If you are still at the office by lunchtime, first answer a couple of personal letters, read all the news on Yandex, go to lunch, and only then get to work. By the way, there are many interesting games on the iPhone.
Step 2
Secondly, never spend extra money on creating and maintaining a company website, especially if you sell something through it. Hire a first-year student, or better a high school student, to make your site as simple as possible and not update it too often. After all, customers will buy everything they need, either from you or not from you.
Step 3
Third, if a lawsuit is being filed against you, do not rush to hire lawyers to represent your interests. It's expensive, and you already have a lawyer, even two. True, they are mainly engaged in the execution of labor contracts with employees, but what if they also succeed in representing the interests of your company in court? Check it out.
Step 4
Fourth, if you have negotiations ahead of you, it is not at all necessary to prepare for them. You are not your first day in business and you know all your clients better than your own relatives. And when did you fail impromptu?..
Step 5
Fifth, think about relatives. It seems that one of them recently complained that they lost their jobs. Be involved - take him to you. You can hire a couple more friends. It will be much more interesting to work in your company. And those responsibilities that none of you like can be delegated to the remaining subordinates.
Step 6
Sixth, you spend too much money on staff training. Why all these trainings, role plays and workshops? Anyone, or almost everyone, can sell, and if he is not yet able to sell effectively, then most likely he is simply lazy.
Step 7
Seventh, it is not at all necessary to check the clients' solvency. If a client comes to you, he definitely has money. The fact that he does not comply with the terms of payment does not mean anything bad about him. When you hear a comment from a new client that the services of your company are expensive, immediately make a 50% discount.
Step 8
Finally, stop reading business literature and thinking about business. You already know enough about him.