In the life of every talented photographer, there comes a moment when he realizes that you can create wonderful works not only for yourself, but also for others, and for a fee. But the path to expensive orders and an abundance of customers usually takes some time and requires some effort.

Improve your professionalism
It is clear that if you decide to offer your services as a professional photographer, then you are sure that your professional level is high enough. You don't have to wait for a stream of customers if the first customers are disappointed with the result of your work.
Therefore, even if you are not yet shooting to order, constantly photograph, look for ways to improve the quality of your work, to make them original and unforgettable.
Decide on the topic
Before you start taking photographs to order, you need to determine what kind of topic your photos will be hung on. Of course, this subject should inspire you, and photographs in this particular area should be the most professional and flawless.
Perhaps it will be portrait or genre photographs, staged photographs. Photo chronicles of solemn events, primarily weddings, are popular. Photo sessions of children and family photo sessions are in demand.
Use word of mouth
The first orders may have to be completed free of charge or for a symbolic reward. Let it be a wedding of your friends or filming a walk of a neighbor's kid. The main thing is that people see your work, show them to their friends and acquaintances. The word of mouth effect works flawlessly! Looking at the talented pictures, someone will definitely want to order something similar for themselves and will contact you.
Go online
Not only is it possible, but it is necessary to use the possibilities of self-promotion provided by the Internet. For starters, you should create your own professional portfolio site or business card. You can do this for a start on a free platform. The main thing is that the site contains samples of your work in all their diversity, as well as information about you as a professional photographer: contacts, working conditions and payment.
Potential clients should clearly understand what exactly they will pay money for, what kind of result awaits them, and a business card site provides ample opportunities for this. Constantly take care of its updating, place your most successful photos there, which can inspire and amaze the most fastidious client.
Social media is another great opportunity to advertise yourself. Share your work on social media pages, communicate in various communities, demonstrate the results of your work. Perhaps some of your first clients will find out about you this way.
It is also useful to communicate on special professional and amateur forums and in photo communities, where you can not only find customers, but also get professional advice from "fellow workers", which will improve your professional and business skills.