If you are an accountant, then, in addition to the main income, you can get additional money by working on an individual basis. The advantages are obvious: you don't need to open your own company, which means you don't have to pay taxes. Where to start and how to find your first customers?

Step 1
Decide what kind of accounting services you are ready to perform and what are the main prices for them in your area. For example, filling out zero reporting, drawing up personal income tax certificates and so on. This can be done by consulting with colleagues, reading advertisements in newspapers and other types of media. Think about how much time per day you are willing to devote to additional work, in addition to the main one.
Step 2
Write ads and place them in newspapers. Better to use special business publications and business pages on the Internet. Make business cards and when you work with your firm's clients, hand them out offering personalized service. If customers are happy with your work, they are more likely to turn to you than to your management.
Step 3
Make a list of small businesses in the city and leave your business cards with them. It can be too expensive for them to contact large companies or have their own accountant, so they can use your services. You shouldn't cheat the prices too much. If you live in a small city, then you will soon acquire a good reputation, which means that the flow of customers will grow.
Step 4
Send your resume to the companies you are interested in for the vacancy of a part-time accountant. It is quite possible that you will be able to conduct business of two or three companies at once, and this will give significant income. Using the services of an accountant at home is much easier for them than organizing and equipping a special workplace and officially hiring an employee.
Step 5
Your success depends on your professionalism. Continuously educate yourself to maximize your competitiveness. Read specialized publications, take advanced training courses, develop all the necessary skills, including the ability to work with a computer. Remember that with "free float" income does not depend on working hours, but solely on your own efforts.