How Can A Photographer Make Money On Stocks

How Can A Photographer Make Money On Stocks
How Can A Photographer Make Money On Stocks

A lot of people involved in photography would like to make money from their hobby, but they don't know exactly how to do it. Traditional wedding photography is not to everyone's liking, and there is a lot of competition there. Stock for a photographer is one of the ways to get money doing what you love.

How can a photographer make money on stocks
How can a photographer make money on stocks

How it works and how much you can earn

Also, the price depends on the type of license. Some photos can be sold for $ 30, and some even for $ 100 or more. Still, these are rare cases, and it is better not to focus on them, the main thing is the number of sales.

It is believed that those who from time to time replenish their portfolio of work, earnings will range from $ 50 to $ 300. Those who work hard, constantly improving the quality of their work, can count on $ 300-2000. The lucky ones get even more, but this cannot be guaranteed in any way: you need to "get into the wave", to feel which pictures are going well on the stocks.

Getting started on stocks

The peculiarity of the work is that at first there will be practically no money. Sales are rare at first, and most sites allow you to withdraw money no earlier than after 3 months. This is not an option for earning that immediately presupposes a good income. But over time, your portfolio will grow and your sales will increase. At first, it is recommended to consider the stocks as additional income, and not the main one, so as not to be disappointed.

At first, many aspiring stockers browse through their photo archives, trying to figure out what kind of work can be posted. Most likely, almost none. For stocks, two types of photos are important: ready-made works with their own mood and blanks that designers use in their works. Everything is clear with the first type, but what does the second type represent? This is a photo in which the subject is somewhat devoid of individuality. For example, if you are shooting an apple, it should be some kind of "common" apple, which means all the apples in the world, but does not flaunt its characteristic features. For this reason, stock photos must be edited. If you do not own Photoshop, you will have to master it.

Necessary photographic equipment

You can start working with even the most modest resources. A semi-professional DSLR camera with a whale lens will do. A tripod, at least the cheapest, will not hurt. Having a light cube is very useful, but for the first time you can even build it yourself by making a frame and using a sheet. Powerful table lamps can replace professional lighting. In the future, using the income from stocks, you may be able to purchase all the rest of the equipment.

Which stocks to choose

There are several of the most popular stocks for photography. It is not necessary to choose one thing, it is quite possible to work with all at the same time. Check out the biggest stocks like Shuttersttock and Istock, Dreamstime, Fotolia might also be helpful. There are other drains as well.

Before registering, read the rules carefully, they are slightly different on each site. Please note that if you use photos with people, they must sign the model release. And don't forget to constantly add to your portfolio.

It is important to understand that sinking is also work; diligence and hard work will definitely pay off.
