How To File A Claim Against A Company

How To File A Claim Against A Company
How To File A Claim Against A Company

Table of contents:


Situations often arise when the buyer is dissatisfied with the purchased product. In this case, a claim is made addressed to the director of the store or chain of stores where the purchase was made. The document is written in any form, but there are a number of mandatory requirements for the content of the claim that must be met.

How to file a claim against a company
How to file a claim against a company


  • - a copy of the sales (cash) receipt;
  • - copy of the warranty card;
  • - the passport;
  • - company details;
  • - Law on Consumer Protection.


Step 1

In the right corner of the claim, write the full name of the company, the name of the store where the document is sent. Indicate the position, personal data of the head of the enterprise, director of the store, in whose name the claim is being made. Please note that such documents are not sent to a legal entity, be sure to indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the representative of the company, which is the sole executive body.

Step 2

Write your personal data using an identity document. As a rule, this is a passport, rarely - a military ID (for conscripts). Completely indicate the address of your registration, including the zip code. Enter your phone number. It is required for management to contact you.

Step 3

In the middle, write the title of the document. Sometimes it does not correspond to the word "Claim", but "statement". Then describe in detail the date, time when the item was purchased. Write the name of the product as it is indicated in the data sheet if the claim is for a defective product belonging to the category of household appliances.

Step 4

Describe what claims for quality or other non-conformities with the requirements you make to the product. Write down when and under what circumstances a defect or other discrepancy in quality was found.

Step 5

Referring to the relevant article of the consumer protection law for your case, write what your rights are violated in connection with the discovered discrepancy. Formulate your requirements. This can be a replacement of goods with similar products or a refund of the purchase amount.

Step 6

Write what actions can follow if your requirements are not met. As a rule, this is an appeal to the court. As an attachment, indicate a copy of the sales (cash register receipt), warranty card.

Step 7

Duplicate the claim two times. Give one copy to the seller from whom you purchased the product, and keep the other with you. On your copy, the representative of the company is obliged to affix a note of receipt. If you refuse to accept this document from you, send it by mail together with a package of documents to the legal address of the company.
