The need to file a complaint against an insurance company is usually caused by a refusal to pay an insurance claim, its understatement, or the imposition of additional services. There are several state bodies, public organizations, a complaint to which is drawn up according to uniform rules.

A complaint against an insurance company is an effective way for any insured to protect their own rights, which are often violated by insurers. The possibility of applying to the courts with a statement of claim is often absent, and is also associated with additional costs and difficulties (compliance with the rules for filing and filing a claim, payment of state fees and services of a representative, the duration of the consideration of the case).
In such a situation, only the correct filing of a complaint with several bodies and organizations will allow you to effectively protect your own rights, since it will cause checks by the insurance company, jeopardize the entire activity of the insurer.
What details should be indicated in the complaint against the insurance company?
Immediately before the main content of the complaint, it is necessary to list the bodies and organizations to which the appeal is sent, indicate the full name, address of the applicant, the name and location of the insurance company. The Federal Service for Financial Markets, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and the Prosecutor's Office should be selected from the state bodies for filing a complaint.
In addition, it is recommended to send the same complaint to the Interregional Union for the Protection of the Rights of Policyholders, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (the latter organization should be indicated only if the complaint is related to the payment of compulsory motor third party liability insurance). After listing these details, the name of the appeal (in this case, the complaint) is written in the center of the page, followed by the main text.
What should be included in the main content of a complaint against an insurance company?
The main content of the complaint against the insurer must include a clear and consistent statement of the circumstances in which the rights of the insured were violated. Usually, the information is presented in the following sequence: the conclusion of an insurance contract, the occurrence of an insured event, contacting an insurance company, illegal decisions or actions of its employees, officials. After setting out the facts, it is imperative to refer to the specific norms of the law, which in this case were violated by the insurer. The simplest option is to use the provisions of civil law on insurance.
After the main text, you should state your own request to conduct an audit of the company's activities, eliminate violations of the applicant's rights. Finally, it is necessary to list copies of the documents that will be attached to the complaint. A confirmation of the actual relationship with the insurance company (contract, insurance policy), if necessary, the decisions of the insurer, official correspondence, confirmation of the occurrence of the insured event, must be attached.