Currently, the level of development of computer technology allows you to create a high-quality website that even meets all the requirements of the customer for just one person. That is why it is so common practice when thousands of people become freelancers (web programmers and web designers). By their example, it is most convenient to view the order of work of the webmaster.

Step 1
First of all, for a successful search for orders and greater demand in the market, a webmaster needs to have a portfolio of his work. Moreover, the more diligently the publisher approaches its design, the higher it will be paid.
At this stage, novice web designers are experiencing problems (because in order to find a job, you need to have work experience), however, difficulties are nevertheless solved very simply: you can either offer your services for a not very high price, only after the completed and approved work, or perform work on a free topic (website design of fictitious companies, their own web projects, free assistance to charitable organizations, etc.).
As a rule, potential customers are primarily interested in the professional level of a web designer, and not in the interests of which firms he previously worked. So there are no problems with this method of developing your portfolio.
You can arrange a portfolio either as your own website (this approach is justified and increases the status of a web designer if there is a lot of work done by him), or as your own page on freelance sites (this approach allows you to find new customers quickly and in large numbers).
Step 2
The next step will be the search for customers. With a lack of funds for advertising or if a web designer is a beginner, it is easiest for him to look for orders on freelance sites. On the day of the beginning of the search with such a campaign, you can quite seriously find 1-3 orders for an average amount of 10,000 rubles.
If you have an advertising budget, you can buy advertising on the Internet and social networks. Moreover, it is better to choose a very narrow market (your city, a separate category of the customer's business, etc.), so that advertising has the greatest effect.
Step 3
When the customer is found, the web designer negotiates with him the details of his order, assesses his capabilities and, if they are satisfactory, a technical assignment (TOR) for the project is drawn up, which is then approved by both parties.
Depending on the professionalism of the web designer, as well as on the agreements of both parties, the webmaster can receive an advance payment (as a rule, this is 30-50% of the total order amount).
Step 4
The web designer gets to work. Depending on its complexity, as well as the time to complete it, a web designer can complete the project alone, or find and use other specialists on his own.
Each project of a web designer can be very diverse in its content and differ from other previously completed tasks. However, the most common task for a web designer is to create a website.
With the approved TK, this process is usually divided into several stages:
1. Development and approval of the site design.
2. Layout of pages (implementation of the developed design into the site).
3. Programming the site.
4. Content filling (usually provided by the customer).
5. Uploading the finished site to hosting, setting it up for display on the Internet. To demonstrate the site to the client, the webmaster usually uses his own hosting, and gives all the files of the site to the client only after full payment for his work.
Step 5
In fact, executed in accordance with the TOR and within the prescribed period, the publisher receives a reward - the full amount for the project, or the part remaining after the prepayment (depending on the agreements). Then he gives the completed project (which is usually presented in the form of files) to the client.
Then the webmaster updates his portfolio with fresh work (if possible, with an active link to the site he created). After that, the specialist is free and can search for orders again.