Students who want to earn extra money while studying, as well as qualified specialists can find a job in Japan. However, it should be remembered that in order to get any job, certain requirements are put forward that must be met.

Step 1
Any employee will need a high level of knowledge of the Japanese language and a visa valid for at least three months. Please note that students are not required to have the same knowledge of the language as a specialist. It will be enough if you can understand Japanese at the so-called everyday level. And you will learn any additional specialized vocabulary already in the process of work, if necessary.
Step 2
The easiest and fastest way to get a job in Japan is through special government programs. They are designed to attract specifically foreign labor. One such program is JET, which stands for Japan Exchange and Teaching Program. It was created especially for those who are a connoisseur of the Japanese language, as well as an athlete or cultural figure. A separate place is occupied by programs providing internships for workers through the Japanese Association for International Education, the Ministry of Education, Foreign Affairs, and so on.
Step 3
By the way, before you start taking action, that is, you start looking for an employer, prepare documents, etc., familiarize yourself with the country, with its main traditions and customs. If you are already in Japan and want to find a job, you can do so by looking through the free classifieds magazine. Stands with them are located either at metro stations or at large stores.
Step 4
In addition, contact the companies you are interested in: often you can see a corresponding announcement next to the place of work. However, most often this is done where you can just earn extra money (for example, in cafes or restaurants, in post offices). Therefore, this method is relevant mainly only for students.