Japan is a country of amazing ancient culture, the latest modern technologies and extraordinarily beautiful nature. It has always attracted foreigners, not only as a place of recreation, but also as a platform for professional development and take-off up the career ladder.

The laws in Japan are quite harsh and their strict implementation is required both from the indigenous people and from the entering citizens of other states. If it is not difficult to obtain a tourist visa to this country, then a work visa will require a whole package of additional documents. Its registration takes place at the embassy or representative office of the receiving party, to apply to which you must already have a passport of the established form. The passport must expire no earlier than 6 months after the expected completion of the cooperation and departure from the country.
What documents need to be provided to apply for a work visa
When contacting the embassy, you must fill out an entry form in English. In addition to the validity period of the passport, it is also required that it contains two blank pages for the marks of the receiving side. For registration of accompanying documents, you will need color photographs of the person entering, 4, 5 by 4, 5 cm in size, without rounding, on a white background. To obtain a work permit in Japan, you must provide guarantees that there is a job. These are letters from the host company, invitations to a specific job and confirmation of the employer's financial solvency. Thus, the employer confirms the so-called sponsorship, gives a guarantee that the job seeker will have a stable income in Japan.
To obtain such guarantee papers, a job seeker in Japan must contact the employer's representatives, send his documents for the execution of the contract, which the host party will require, for example, diplomas, letters of recommendation. That is, it will not be possible to look for a place in Japan after arriving there, such as in Italy or America. Only by providing guarantees about the availability of a vacancy and securing it for yourself, you can get a work visa.
Features of Japanese labor legislation for foreigners
Work permits in this country are divided into 14 different options, the so-called residence statuses. The definition of this status depends on the type of proposed activity. Moreover, a package of documents for one type of work may differ significantly from another; for some, proof of the presence of certain knowledge (diploma), experience and experience in this area will be required. Such a visa is issued for three years and can be extended up to five years. In the event of a change in the type of activity, transfer to another place of work, the package of documents will need to be updated, sometimes leaving the country is required.