In Soviet Russia, all who worked were members of the trade union. It was self-evident: if there is a job, then there is a union. Its main advantages were vouchers, sanatoriums, camps for workers and their families. Today, a trade union is about defending workers' rights. The main activity comes from the trade unions of large enterprises. But office workers, for the most part, find themselves outside of trade union life, although they can also unite and form a trade union.

Step 1
Find out if your business has a union organization. If yes, then write an application for admission to the trade union, pay the membership fee. After the decision of the committee, you become a full-fledged member of the organization, as evidenced by the issuance of a trade union card.
Step 2
If there is no trade union at work, then create one yourself. To do this, find like-minded people, there must be at least 3 people. Decide which division of the existing trade union organization you will join. Many trade unions have good websites and useful information on them, you can easily find what exactly you need.

Step 3
Study the charter of the union of your choice. Look at who he unites, the rights and responsibilities of members of this organization. Find out about their activities, what real help from them and much more.
Step 4
Please report your decision directly to the union or local office. Here you can solve organizational issues and get advice. Submit all the necessary documents and wait for an answer.
Step 5
Gather and hold a founding meeting that selects a trade union committee. At the same meeting, you submit an application for joining a trade union, form governing and supervisory bodies. The participants in the meeting also write applications for admission to the trade union committee and an application to the accounting department - on the collection of membership fees (approximately 1% of the salary).