Negotiation is an integral part of any field of activity. A person must be able to negotiate with work partners, with clients, with his colleagues, with management. Negotiating is a whole art.

Step 1
Choose a convenient time and place for negotiations. It is best to conduct negotiations in the morning, when everyone is full of energy. Then, if necessary, it will be possible to extend them. The choice of location is also very important. It is best to negotiate on your own territory, as many believe that the host country has a much better position. Negotiations can also be held on neutral territory, this will make communication informal.
Step 2
Pay attention to your appearance. It is most correct to conduct negotiations in a business suit.
Step 3
Provide information training. Try to collect comprehensive information about your opponent from various sources. This will help you prepare in advance arguments that will be useful during negotiations and suggest ways to solve the problem.
Step 4
Specify the purpose of the negotiations. Be clear about what you really want to get out of the negotiation. Set yourself up for a positive outcome. Focus your attention on the most important points, at the same time, pause in your speech. Start with the questions that are easiest to reach agreement on. This will give a positive impetus.
Step 5
Be sure to stick to your pre-written negotiation plan. Start with general and simpler questions, gradually moving to more complex ones, demonstrate the possibility of reaching mutual understanding, and in controversial issues - compromise. Be the first to start negotiations, don't let us seize the initiative.
Step 6
Remember that a person's attention is dulled after an hour of negotiations, so you should not drag out the negotiations, and if there is no result, you should take a break.
Step 7
Remember that the meaning of the address is more likely to be remembered than the words. Therefore, be sure to make sure that you are understood correctly, take into account the intellectual potential of your opponent. State your theses in a logical and reasoned manner. Otherwise, misunderstanding will lead to incorrect conclusions.
Step 8
Be convincing and objective, never give in to emotions. Skillfully seize the initiative and hold it. End your lines with a question and try to predict your opponent's reaction. This will help you achieve your intended goal.
Step 9
Anyone can learn how to effectively negotiate. The main thing is to follow certain rules of their conduct, carefully prepare for negotiations, then the victory will be yours!