In conducting negotiations, you need to constantly improve, because their result depends on it. To always be the winner, you need to regularly receive all the new information regarding this issue.

Step 1
Start your conversation by discussing a secondary issue. Or even relax the other person with idle chatter. Compliment him, chat about the weather or the dollar exchange rate. Most people expect their partner to be on top of things from the first minute, trying to get a better deal. Communication on extraneous topics will relax him, set him in a more positive way.
Step 2
Never reveal your true motives, do not give information about your situation. This kind of candor can be used against you. Don't say directly how interested you are in a successful deal. Treat the subject of the conversation a little cool, then it will be more difficult for the interlocutor to outplay you.
Step 3
Try to get as much information as possible about the person and the organization they represent. Ask leading questions, carefully watch his reaction to your words and actions.
Step 4
Negotiate calmly. Do not show impatience or raise your voice. Do not pressure the interlocutor, otherwise the deal may break down. On the contrary, you must prove to him that you think not only about your own, but also about his benefit.
Step 5
Don't confuse relationship with partner and deal. Even if the person is unpleasant to you, try not to show it to him. And if the interlocutor, on the contrary, is very sympathetic to you, do not allow infringement of your interests.
Step 6
Tell us about all the benefits that your offer gives. The main focus should be on what the partners themselves will receive. No need to speak too broadly, be specific about the facts.
Step 7
Pretend that you don't quite understand the other person. This will allow him to express his point of view more fully. And you can get additional information, which you then use against the interlocutor.
Step 8
In communication, always adjust to your partner. If he sets the formal tone of the conversation, don't be familiar. If he behaves simply, then you also behave more openly and friendly. Occasionally copy the poses of your interlocutor, this will help to achieve his location.