When hiring a nanny, preference is given to women with secondary or higher specialized education, without bad habits, and loving children. Positive recommendations and characteristics from previous jobs have a strong impact.

Step 1
Take a job through agencies that recruit nannies and governess for families. Advertisements for such agencies can be found in newspapers specializing in finding and providing jobs or on the Internet.
Step 2
Go to an employment center. There you have a chance to find work in public preschool institutions.
Step 3
Submit your resume to private job exchanges. They will be able to find a nanny job for you in private kindergarten-nurseries.
Step 4
Talk to acquaintances. Maybe some of them or their friends need a nanny for the child. It will be safer for them to take a person about whom they speak well in practice.
Step 5
Submit advertisements of your desire to work as a nanny in specialized newspapers.
Step 6
Place your private job postings on the internet job boards. Submit your resume to virtual recruiting agencies.