The professions of nanny and governess are now in demand again: the old tradition of inviting helpers to the family is reviving. But for all the apparent similarities, the duties of a nanny and a governess differ significantly from each other.

Step 1
When choosing who to invite to the family, nanny or governess, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child. As a rule, nannies are invited to preschool children, and the governess can also be invited to the schoolchild.
Step 2
The nanny is focused primarily on caring for the child: she can feed him, make sure that the ward's daily routine and personal hygiene are observed, and ensure safety during his games and walks. The main task of the governess is the education and development of the child. Of course, she also monitors the child's compliance with the schedule of activities and rest, can prepare food for him and go for a walk with him, but still her main activity is aimed at ensuring the child's intellectual, cognitive, and creative development.
Step 3
The nanny, as a rule, devotes about 70% of her working time to household issues related to childcare, while the governess - at most 30%. Her main attention is directed to solving educational, teaching and developing problems. This must be taken into account when introducing the specialist invited to the house with his duties. The nanny should not be overloaded with general household duties (cooking dinner for the whole family, shopping for groceries, cleaning), just as the governess should not be asked to perform nanny duties (preparing food for the child, washing children's clothes, etc.). In this case, the specialist will not be able to efficiently and fully carry out his direct duties.
Step 4
As a rule, nannies and governesses are professionals with special education, but if pedagogical training, knowledge of developmental and teaching methods are required for the governess, knowledge of at least one foreign language is desirable, then a woman who has, for example, not pedagogical, but medical education (paramedic, nurse). Of course, it is great when the nanny knows the methods of early development, but in the end, she can simply accompany the baby to the development center, where specialists will cope with this task. For the governess, the undoubted advantage will be possession of the skills of playing a musical instrument (if the child, for example, attends a music school), art education (if the child is mastering the basics of painting), etc.
Step 5
Until recently, it was believed that the professions of nanny and governess are purely female. But it is enough to recall the experience of pre-revolutionary Russia, when a male tutor was often invited to the boys. Currently, this tradition is reviving, which is not bad at all: with the overwhelming majority of female specialists in educational and educational institutions, boys often lack a masculine approach to upbringing. And if it is not so difficult to imagine a man-tutor, then a nanny still remains a purely female profession.