The warranty for the goods is valid for the period specified in the sales contract. Some features of the establishment and calculation of the warranty period are provided for by the current civil legislation.

A quality guarantee for any product assumes its compliance with certain requirements and characteristics, which are enshrined in the sales contract. In the absence of such characteristics in the agreement, the goods with a guarantee must meet the requirements that are usually imposed on the quality of things of this kind. If the seller or manufacturer of the goods sets a certain warranty period, then they are responsible for the conformity of the goods to the specified parameters during the declared period. The buyer, on the other hand, reserves the right to make claims about the quality of the goods during the warranty period if he finds certain defects or deterioration in the quality of his purchase.
When does the warranty period start?
The beginning of the warranty period must be provided for in the purchase and sale agreement, and in the absence of a corresponding condition in the agreement, this period begins from the moment when the goods are handed over to the buyer. In some situations, the start of the warranty period may be delayed. So, if, through the fault of the seller, the purchased goods cannot be used (for example, some component is missing), then the warranty period will begin only when the buyer has the opportunity to fully use the purchase for its intended purpose. Generally, component parts have their own warranty period, but in the absence of such a condition, they are covered by the warranty period for the main product.
What is the seller or manufacturer of the goods responsible for within the warranty period?
The seller or manufacturer of the product is responsible for any defects found in it until the expiration of the warranty period. At the same time, the existence of a guarantee frees the buyer from proving any circumstances related to the origin of the corresponding defects. In this case, the seller or manufacturer is obliged to prove that the defects or damage were caused to the goods by the buyer himself, who violated the rules for using the purchased item. If these circumstances are not proven, then the persons who manufactured and sold the goods will be considered guilty.
When buying a product without a guarantee, the buyer does not receive the indicated advantages, since he will have to prove the fault of the manufacturer or seller in the appearance of the shortcomings. The consumer protection law allows the buyer, upon detection of defects within the warranty period, to choose one of the requirements for the seller. In particular, the consumer may demand to return the full value of the goods, replace it with similar products, eliminate defects free of charge, and reduce the cost of the damaged item.