Currently, there is a wide variety of professions in the world that are considered highly paid and honorable, responsible and significant. One of them is the profession of a lawyer.

In order to become a successful practicing lawyer, there are several important aspects you should pay attention to. Reputation is one of the main characteristics of detail in jurisprudence. It determines if a potential client wants to use your services.
Continuous improvement of knowledge
In order to conduct a successful legal activity, you will have to constantly improve your knowledge in this area. A lawyer must have, in addition to purely professional aspects, extensive erudition in such areas as social studies, history, theory of state and law, psychology and document management, preferably Russian and foreign languages (in particular, Latin).
Excellent knowledge of the legal framework
Naturally, you need to know, like your "five fingers" the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Administrative and Criminal Codes of Russia, various Federal laws. Since the regulatory legal acts are constantly updated, you need not so much to know them by heart, but rather to be able to understand the continuous flow of information, to be able to navigate in large volumes of it. Here various reference and legal systems, mass media in jurisprudence can come to your aid.
A lawyer at present can achieve success, recognition and fame if he strives in each case to maximize the satisfaction of clients' needs, he must leave behind convictions in his justice, integrity and in his sincere desire to help.
Integrity and competence
These components today determine the lawyer's fee. Without them, it will remain unclaimed. Here you can also use the advice of renowned lawyers. They unanimously agree that the main quality of the practitioner should be honesty and openness to the client. He should not create illusions in his wards about the obligatory positive outcome of the case, for which he undertakes. Self-confidence also plays an important role in the professional development of a lawyer.
Ready for heavy loads
Before becoming a practicing lawyer, he must be prepared for the fact that he will constantly have to withstand great moral, physical and mental stress. They always accompany this profession.
The pursuit of excellence. This is the direct responsibility of any lawyer. In order not to turn into a mediocre specialist.