The profession of a lawyer has long been considered one of the most prestigious. Successful representation of clients' interests in court and a large number of cases won provide lawyers with fame, great demand and high fees, due to which they are classified as the elite of the jurisprudence.

- - Federal Law "On advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation" dated 2002-31-05. No. 63-FZ;
- - higher legal education;
- - work experience in the legal profession for at least 2 years;
- - an autobiography questionnaire;
- - copy of the passport;
- - a copy of the diploma of higher education;
- - a copy of the work book.
Step 1
If you are attracted to the profession of a lawyer, first read the Federal Law "On advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation." Study the rights, obligations, powers of a lawyer, the procedure for acquiring, suspending and terminating a status, organizing advocacy and providing legal assistance to the population. Pay attention to the obstacles specified in the law to the assignment of the status of a lawyer: the presence of restrictions in legal capacity, as well as an outstanding and unexpunged conviction for an intentional crime.
Step 2
To become a lawyer, you need a law degree. The form of study - full-time, part-time, evening, distance - does not matter. However, when choosing a university where you plan to study law, pay attention to the presence of state accreditation.
Step 3
Having received a professional education, you must have worked for at least 2 years in a legal specialty: in state and municipal positions requiring higher legal education, including in law enforcement agencies, in legal services of organizations, as a teacher of legal disciplines in institutions of secondary, higher and postgraduate education, and also as an assistant attorney or notary. In addition, you can do an internship at the bar association. Please note that if you worked in the legal field during your studies at the university, this period will be excluded from the required length of service.
Step 4
Next, submit an application for granting you the status of a lawyer to the qualification commission of the bar association. Attach to it a copy of your passport, an autobiography questionnaire, a copy of a work record book with a note on work in a legal specialty, a copy of a diploma of higher legal education. Please note that the qualification commission has the right to apply for confirmation of the information and documents you provided in the organization by which they were issued.
Step 5
At the end of the screening, you will be admitted to a qualifying exam, which takes the form of written testing and oral interview. Study the list of questions offered to applicants, refresh your knowledge, take into account the changes that have occurred in the legislation, fill in the gaps if necessary. Successful passing of the exam guarantees the assignment of a lawyer status. If the result is negative, try again the next year.
Step 6
At the end of the process of acquiring the legal profession, you will need to take an oath of good faith in protecting the rights, freedoms and interests of clients in accordance with the law and the code of professional ethics of a lawyer.