How To Determine Seniority

How To Determine Seniority
How To Determine Seniority

Table of contents:


It is possible to determine and calculate the length of service for all entries in the work book. If this document is absent, the length of service is determined by archival records or other documents confirming the periods of work at each enterprise.

How to determine seniority
How to determine seniority


  • - employment history;
  • - archive records;
  • - other documents confirming the length of service.


Step 1

Determine the length of service, based on the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 516 of December 29, 2006. According to the law, the main document by which the length of service at each enterprise is determined separately and the total length of service is the work book.

Step 2

From each date of dismissal from each enterprise, subtract the date of admission, add up all the results obtained. One year of work will be equal to 12 months, 1 month - 30 days.

Step 3

In the absence of the main document, according to which it is possible to confirm and determine all the available experience without much effort, you have the right to issue a duplicate of the work book at the request of the applicant and enter the entire experience in it. The basis for determining the total length of service can be documents confirming the periods of work at a particular enterprise.

Step 4

As the documents by which you will determine the length of service, ask for archival certificates, certificates from all places of work, if the information has not yet been transferred to the archive. An employee can present employment contracts, financial documents confirming the transfer of salaries for certain periods. To determine and confirm the total length of service, you can use the testimony of witnesses, colleagues who are ready to confirm information about the periods of work.

Step 5

To make entries in a duplicate work book, based on circumstantial evidence provided by the applicant, create a labor commission. The act, drawn up by a commission consisting of representatives of the administration, trade unionists, will be the basis for making entries in a duplicate work book.

Step 6

It is possible to determine the length of service of an employee for calculating a labor pension only in court. If the work book is lost, and it is not possible to determine the length of service based on it, apply to the court with a statement of claim. Submit extracts from archival information, documentary evidence that can confirm your experience.

Step 7

On the basis of a court order, you will be able to determine the length of service and accrue a retirement pension.
