Since January 1, 2002, with the introduction of the social insurance system for employees of enterprises and organizations, the concept of “seniority” is not used - it was replaced by “insurance experience”. But those citizens who started their labor activity earlier than the specified date need to know their length of service to calculate their pension.

Step 1
Now, when calculating a pension, work experience includes insurance and work experience. The length of service takes into account labor activity since 2002, provided that during the period its employer paid contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This length of service may also include work activities carried out outside the territory of the Russian Federation, if it refers to cases provided for by legislation or international agreements, as well as if a foreign employer made contributions to the PF RF.
Step 2
According to the Labor Code (Labor Code), which was in force until 2002, the total length of service included all periods of labor or other socially useful activities. Conversion of a labor herd into an insurance herd is carried out in accordance with Art. 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173 - FZ "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation". This procedure is established by paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article, which of these options to choose is determined by the citizen himself.
Step 3
In either case, the total length of service does not include periods of full-time study at a university, but the length of service in the ranks of the armed forces is taken into account. In addition, it includes labor activity as a worker, employee, collective farmer or member of a cooperative organization, including abroad, during which the citizen was subject to compulsory pension insurance. The general work experience will include work in specialized paramilitary units: a security guard, a mine rescuer, in special communications. Officially formalized individual labor activities, as well as activities in the ranks of various professional creative unions will also be taken into account when calculating a pension.
Step 4
The length of service will include periods of temporary incapacity for work, if their beginning coincides with the periods of work, as well as the time when a citizen had a disability of group I or II, resulting from an injury associated with his production activity, or due to occupational diseases. Those who were in places of detention beyond the period provided for by the sentence imposed or assigned during the review of the case, this period will also be included in the total length of service. It will take into account the time spent on moving in the direction of the employment service to another city and subsequent employment in a new place. Those periods when a citizen was officially registered as unemployed or took part in paid public works will also be included in the experience.