To calculate the total length of service, it is necessary to take all the entries in the employee's work book. The date of admission and the date of dismissal are counted towards the total length of service. At the moment, sick leave is paid based on the total length of service of the employee, and not from insurance or continuous.

Step 1
In order to calculate the total experience, you need to record all the dates of admission and dismissal for all labor records. Subtract the date of admission from each separate record of the termination date. And so on all records. Then add all the amounts received. The total length of service of the employee will turn out. The total length of service is recorded in years, months and days.
Step 2
When calculating the total continuous experience, all entries in the work book are taken. When transferring from one enterprise to another, the break should be no more than one calendar month. For this, the number of leaving the previous job is subtracted from the number of hiring. If the interval between these dates is not more than one calendar month, then the total length of service is considered continuous. If the interval is longer, then the experience is interrupted.
Step 3
When an employee is dismissed at his own request, the length of service is considered to be general continuous, when no more than three weeks have passed until the day of the next employment, that is, no more than 21 calendar days.
Step 4
According to the new rules, when calculating any social benefits, only the total length of service is considered, that is, the length of service for all entries in the work book. Continuous and insurance experience is not taken into account when calculating benefits.