The act of medical examination was drawn up in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. In the broadest sense of the word, an examination is a study (analysis) of an issue carried out by a specialist, i.e. an expert. The solution to the issue presupposes that the expert has knowledge in this field of science, art, technology, etc.

Step 1
Be sure to draw up an act when conducting a forensic medical examination. If this examination is carried out in connection with the decision of the investigating authorities, then the act of the medical examination is called a conclusion. If the decree is not issued, then the document will be called "Act of medical examination".
Step 2
Prepare a standard form recommended by the Chief Forensic Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health for leaving the document.
Step 3
Indicate in the first part of the conclusion the passport details of the victim or deceased. Note who, where and when did the examination. Describe all the circumstances of the incident in question.
Step 4
In the second part of the act, outline the research progress. Describe all the facts that you discovered.
Step 5
At the very end of the document, be sure to state only scientifically sound data that follows from the narrative. Answer all the questions posed in the first part of the act.
Step 6
If during the examination you find obvious for you, as a specialist in this field, answers to questions that are not stated in the tasks of this examination, answer them in this document.
Step 7
Please note that it is necessary to print the finished act in two copies. Certify each copy with your signature and seal.
Step 8
Submit the prepared opinion to the authorities that appointed this examination within 3 days. It is possible to delay the deadline for the transfer of the document only in the case of a serious valid reason that does not allow the analysis to be completed on time. Place the second copy of the document in the archive of the expert institution.