The survey report is a document that is drawn up on a specific form and records the established facts or actions of specific individuals. The content and purpose of all acts is different, but they are drawn up according to the generally accepted rule - in the presence of witnesses.

Step 1
Please note that without witnesses it will be impossible to prove the events and facts described in the act. The survey report provides the basis for an important decision. If the document does not meet the requirements, the court will not take it into account, and the event recorded in the act may be invalidated, especially in the absence of other evidence.
Step 2
Acts must be drawn up by a special commission. The commission is created privately, immediately before the drawing up of the act, or by a special order of a specific institution. As a rule, each type of act has its own forms of forms.
Step 3
The act indicates the date, time, place of compilation. Write the last name, first name, patronymic, position of the employee who prepared this document. Indicate the witnesses present, preferably several.
Step 4
Next, state what kind of violation the employee committed. Take a preliminary explanation from the offender, preferably verbatim. Collect the signatures of witnesses, take the signature from the employee, confirming that he is familiar with the act. If the employee refuses to sign the act, indicate this; the signatures of the witnesses must be put under the appropriate mark.
Step 5
Keep in mind that the act of violation of discipline is drawn up on the day the fact is discovered. If the employee was drunk at the workplace, you can present the document for review the next day. For registration of the act, you can use the forms accepted in your organization, but only if there is no other approved form.
Step 6
Draw up the act in several copies, attach one of which to the case, and send the other to the appropriate authority. The number of copies drawn up is indicated at the end of the act and is regulated by regulatory documents.
Step 7
The act is considered adopted only from the moment the document is signed by all persons who are members of the commission. If one of the witnesses does not agree with the content of the act, he must still sign and indicate his disagreement, or formalize his opinion separately.