An examination is the procedure for conducting a study of certain indicators of a person's vital activity in order to identify the presence or absence of any substances in the body, physiological abnormalities, pathological conditions. This procedure is strictly regulated, so in order to draw up a survey, read the standard requirements.

Step 1
Read the standard rules for conducting a particular survey. Observe them strictly, otherwise the results may be disputed.
Step 2
If we are talking about the examination for the presence / absence of alcoholic or drug intoxication of the driver, then before sending a citizen to a medical institution, make sure that there are external signs of intoxication (for example, a specific smell, poor coordination of movements, etc.). To do this, ask him to get out of the car and walk a couple of meters behind you. You can "accidentally" drop a citizen's driver's license and ask him to pick up the document. If the driver is drunk, it will be difficult for him to bend down and not lose coordination.
Step 3
Draw up a protocol, a copy of which is given to the driver who is sent for certification. In the protocol, indicate to whom the right to drive the detainee's vehicle has been transferred. Please note that the driver must sign the protocol; if he refuses, you must invite attesting witnesses and get their signatures.
Step 4
Send the driver to a medical facility. Only organizations licensed for this type of activity can conduct a medical examination. The examination is carried out by a physician with the appropriate qualifications.
Step 5
Based on the results of the examination, a medical examination certificate is drawn up, the first copy of which will be taken by you (or the doctor will give it to the inspector who delivered the driver for examination). The second remains in storage directly in the medical institution, and the third is handed over to the driver who has undergone an examination.
Step 6
Also, make sure that the medical facility has a special log that records each medical clearance procedure. This data can be useful if the detainee challenges your actions in court.
Step 7
Examinations are carried out in various spheres of public life: during investigative measures, when checking the psychological adequacy of a person, for administrative purposes. However, most often in modern reality we are faced with the concept of certification when it comes to medical examination of drivers for alcohol / drug intoxication.