Property deduction is the return of a certain amount of interest from the property tax paid. But in order to receive this amount, you must write a correct application.

contract for the purchase of housing, a description of the share in it, the act of transferring the house upon its sale, the right to an apartment in a building under construction or the ownership of a share of an apartment
Step 1
Make a "cap" of the application, it is written in the upper right corner of a blank A4 sheet. Indicate the name of the tax office. Next, write your last name, first name and patronymic, year and city of birth, passport data, TIN number, registration address and contact phone number. For example, "INFS of the Russian Federation No. 35 in the city of Kemerovo from Ivan Sergeevich Petrov, born on 1968-12-03, birthplace - Kemerovo, passport 5700 348654, issued on 2001-15-03 by Kemerovo GOVD, division code - 590 076, registered at - 412367 the city of Kemerovo, street 9 May, house 15, apartment 30, INN - 459806578324, contact phone 8901345678 ".
Step 2
Write the name of the application in the center of the sheet. The application is called “on the provision of property deduction”.
Step 3
Draw up the text of the application with reference to article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, indicating the tax period for which you want to receive a tax deduction, as well as the reason for the deduction. For example: “I, Petrov Ivan Sergeevich, in accordance with article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, I ask for income in 2010 to provide me with a property tax deduction for actual and documented expenses incurred related to the sale / purchase of real estate in the amount of 900,000 (nine hundred thousand) rubles.
Step 4
Complete the application with a description of the attachments, that is, the documents that prove your eligibility for the property tax deduction. The list of documents can be supplemented with other rights or acts depending on the completed real estate transaction.
Step 5
At the end of the document, put your signature, surname and initials, date.