The best Steve Jobs quotes on life, success and competitors. Which of the expressions of the brilliant engineer became the most popular, what did he say about God, life goals and development.

Steve Jobs is an American engineer and entrepreneur, co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. Life years 1955-2011. His real name is Stephen Paul Jobs Legendary man, his products are popular even after death, and the phrases said decades ago do not lose their relevance today. Capacious, vital, often with sarcasm, but always to the point. What is the short quote "you need to work with your head, not 12 hours a day", which, perhaps, everyone knows. The Apple founder thought a lot about entrepreneurship, tried to find motivational words for the staff. And among his catchphrases there are many sayings about love, business, development, training and money.
Steve Jobs quotes about work
While creating Apple phones, Steve often did unpredictable things, made decisions that were difficult to approve and which did not cause any approval or support in the team. However, as soon as the phone was presented to the public, it became the most desirable device. Jobs said: "It is impossible to create a product based on focus groups, because people often do not understand what they want until you show it to them." Other quotes about phones and approach to development:
- “We made the icons on the screen so pretty that you want to lick them”;
- "You will never know what you were looking for until you find it";
- “People pay us for integration, they don’t have time to think about what is being connected to”;
- “You can't just ask what customers want. By the time everything is ready, they will want something new."
Steve kept repeating that things are getting more complicated and the job of engineers is to simplify the world, not make people worry about something. After all, there are enough worries at work, in personal life to think, for example, how a new washing machine or a telephone is working.
Steve Jobs quotes on life and philosophy
Steve can hardly be called a person who lived by the rules and a positive hero. He was tough, and sometimes cruel even to the closest people, including friends and daughter, but Jobs's departure from life was mourned by the whole world and he is still a role model, and his quotes have already become proverbs.
- “Do not trust dogmas, you cannot live relying only on what others have invented”;
- "Your time is limited, do not waste it living someone else's life";
- "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish";
- "Have the courage to follow your own heart and your intuition."
Upon learning of his diagnosis, Steve said, “Sometimes I believe in God, sometimes I don't. But since I have cancer, I've started thinking about it more often. And believe more. Probably because I want to believe that when you die, it does not mean that everything disappears. Wisdom, that which you have accumulated, continues to live. Although sometimes it seems like you hit 'Off' and you are no more."
Steve Jobs Success Quotes
Steve Jobs is a talented engineer and an equally talented marketer. His product was wanted, expected, desired, it was perfect, always perfect. And it was a real success.
- "Half that separates losers from successful people is persistence";
- “Take a step and the road will appear by itself”;
- “Only having a goal brings meaning and satisfaction to life”;
- “You must be head over heels in what you do. Otherwise, you will not have the patience to see it through to the end”;
- "There is only one way to do great work, to love it."
And, perhaps, one of the most famous quotes by Steve Jobs about success and work: “There is no point in hiring smart people to then tell them how to work. We hire smart people to tell us what to do.” Jobs was a hard worker, working on his projects for as long as it took. As he said, he never did anything for the sake of money, although at 25 he "cost" more than one hundred million dollars.
Steve Jobs quotes about competitors
Steve's specific humor is relevant to this day. He respected each of his competitors because he knew that a few guys in the garage could one day turn the world around. He went this way personally and it was in the garage in 1976 that he created the first "apple" computer. However, this did not prevent him from joking caustically and caustically, almost on the verge.
- “If for some reason we make gross mistakes and IBM wins, then in 20 years the Era of Computer Darkness will come”;
- “Microsoft's only problem is that they have no taste. None ";
- “I have nothing against Microsoft's success. I am against the fact that they make third-rate products."
His main competitor, Bill Gates, he advised at least once to try acid or go to an ashram in order to get a much wider outlook.
More quotes in the movie "Steve Jobs"
In 2015, the biography film "Steve Jobs" was released. It used a large number of quotes and statements from public speeches. The directors used footage from Jobs' personal archives to convey as accurately as possible every trait of the brilliant engineer. Even the filming process was as close to reality as possible, the film consists of several parts, which were shot on 16 and 35 mm film, as well as in digital. This shows how rapidly technology has changed over the 16 years of Jobs' life, which are shown in the film.
Initially, Christian Bale was nominated for the main role, but after the change of director “on-screen” Jobs almost became DiCaprio. But he abandoned the project, and then Christian changed his mind, being unsure if he could play Jobs. So, the main role went to Michael Fassbender. And it was he who helped many to finally shape the image of Jobs.
Steve Jobs won an Oscar for Best Actor and Best Actress. In addition to the Oscar, he was awarded many other awards and had widespread success with both the public and film critics.
Jobs quotes today
Today, Steve Jobs' phrases are used in textbooks on personal growth, marketing, and in various online communities dedicated to success and motivation. And it seems that Jobs is still among us, did not go anywhere, and no one pressed the "Off" button. He lived his life to be useful to humanity and remains indispensable even after death, continuing to inspire, motivate, instruct.