In order for an advertising campaign to allow you to achieve all the goals set for the organization, it is necessary to organize it correctly. The ideal balance is between the effectiveness of the impact of the advertising message and the costs that you face.

Step 1
Determine what the main message you want to convey to the general public. This message should be relevant to your target audience, i.e. a group of people for whom your product or service is intended. After watching or listening to your commercial, the person should have an understanding of what you want from him and why he needs it.
Step 2
Analyze your target audience and find out which media they use most often. After identifying the most effective communication channels, determine which specific media are most often watched, listened to or read by your real and potential customers. It is on them that your attention should be focused when drawing up an advertising campaign.
Step 3
Consider several options for placing your advertising message, distributing the budget across various communication channels. So, for example, one model can be focused on the most complete achievement of the target audience. The second can be based on the search for the most budgetary option. The third will take into account the specifics of the advertised product or service, etc.
Step 4
Calculate the budget and effectiveness of each of the proposed concepts. Now, both the cost and the effectiveness of an advertising campaign are calculated by the number of GRPs received as a result, which are the sum of the ratings of the advertising message. The cost of advertising in a given time interval is determined to a greater extent not by its duration, but by the amount of GRP that it will “collect”. The higher this indicator, the more effective the campaign is.
Step 5
Choose the option that allows you to achieve more efficiency at a lower cost. Calculate how many times a viewer should see your ad so that your product is fixed in their minds and the next time they go to the store, the buyer turns from a potential into a real one.
Step 6
Create a media plan that clearly spells out what, where, when, and how many times you want to air or print. The plan should be scheduled for the entire period of the advertising campaign.