A PR campaign is a complex event, during which, within the framework of a single concept and in accordance with one general plan, various technologies are used to influence public opinion in different target audiences. This is the formation of the image of a particular person, product, service, etc.

- - computers and laptops with Internet access;
- - telephones;
- - diaries;
- - printing products (business cards, leaflets, brochures, etc.);
- - souvenir and promotional products (products with a logo, samples, etc.);
- - premises for events.
Step 1
Research, identify the state of the target audience. Take a deep look at the attitudes and expectations of the community representatives. At this stage, a psychological approach is important.
Step 2
Identify problematic situations that may arise during a PR campaign. Find a logical foundation on which to build your PR campaign. Analyze the so-called PR landscape - many interconnected public relations actions aimed at one target audience. Remember that your company must be noticed and distinguished from others. Consequently, a creative approach is required here.
Step 3
Pay attention to the "directing" of communications, the organization of group behavior. A social approach is needed here.
Step 4
Design and plan your campaign. Experts call this "programming" a PR campaign. Pay attention to positions such as strategic planning (highlight the main and intermediate goals and look at the campaign with the eyes of the supreme commander). At the same time, pay due attention to the operational plan; in this case, the strategic goals will be concretized within a certain time frame and distributed over development cycles and stages of solving marketing problems.
Step 5
Record the required types of PR messages and channels for delivering information to the audience (look at a PR campaign with the “front commander's gaze”).
Step 6
Make a schedule and a situational plan that will help you solve unexpected problems (look at a PR campaign "from the point of view of a company or platoon commander"). Record the time of the organization of the company, the place of its holding, financing, the composition of the performers, etc.
Step 7
Evaluate intermediate results. The main methods are a sociological survey, media monitoring, the formation of focus groups (12-15 people) and even just a method of observation. Adjust further actions depending on the results.