Reflections on the profession of a journalist are often romantic in nature. What could be more desirable than traveling, meeting and talking with famous people? The journalist is always in the center of events and seems to know absolutely everything. However, this profession has a number of peculiarities. And the idea of it does not always correspond to reality.

Features of the profession
A journalist is a person who is involved in the creation and transmission of information in the media and communication. The main channels through which information is delivered to the consumer are printed publications - newspapers and magazines, electronic media - television and radio, as well as the Internet.
The peculiarity of the profession is that he not only disseminates important information, but also forms public opinion. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the responsibility for what a journalist writes or says.
Another feature is that a journalist can work in the field that he likes the most, be it politics, economics, culture, sports, or even home life.
The field of activity of a journalist is very wide. He can not only describe or analyze events, but also conduct independent investigations, review social events, speak out about new music, books, and so on.
The journalist's legs are fed. The work of a journalist is very dynamic and partly stressful: the office is not for him. Constant trips, communication with people - eyewitnesses of events and experts, prompt writing of the text - this is what distinguishes his work.
A person who decides to become a journalist can work on television or radio, in newspapers, magazines, and press services. If desired, a journalist can find his place in advertising or PR spheres.
Features of the character of a journalist
A person who dares to take on the heavy burden of journalism must be ready for a change in style and lifestyle. Speaking about the character traits inherent in a real journalist, it is necessary to note resistance to stress, activity, sociability and willingness to work around the clock. Journalism is not only creativity or art, it is a real craft that takes a lot of time and effort. The closed introvert has no place in journalism. Although, if a person is a sensible analyst or columnist, he can take his place in this industry.
To work in journalism, a person must develop objectivity and criticality. Any event that came to the attention of a journalist should not be subjective: everything should be explained based on at least three views from the outside.
The main thing is that the journalist must be responsible for his word. The word is the main tool in the work of a journalist, therefore one must "feel" it.