Russia Day, celebrated on June 12, is the only public holiday in the summer months. How will a public holiday affect the work and rest schedule in 2019, taking into account the postponement of weekends?

The procedure for the transfer of weekends and holidays
In most cases, public holidays, recognized as non-working days, give residents of the country three or even four-day mini-vacations. If the "red day of the calendar" falls on Saturday or Sunday, then Monday is usually assigned an additional day off. If a holiday according to the calendar falls on Tuesday or Thursday, then the only working day that "breaks" the rest is also declared non-working. In this case, residents of the country either "work out" one of the coming Saturdays, or "extra" weekends from some other date of the current year are transferred to Fridays or Mondays adjacent to holidays.
The project of postponing weekends for each year is prepared by the Ministry of Labor, after which a special Resolution is issued by the government of the Russian Federation.
Official weekend postponements in June-2019 in Russia
Those who have been looking forward to the June holidays, counting on a "long weekend", will be disappointed. Day of Russia, celebrated on June 12, this year fell strictly in the middle of the working week, on Wednesday - and this is the only state holiday of 2019, in honor of which the residents of the country will have only one day. In accordance with the approved Resolution, no transfers of days off in June are provided.
Such "bad luck" happens once every five to six years: the last time Russia Day fell on Wednesday in 2013, and that year there were no summer mini-vacations either. The next time this holiday will be on Wednesday in 2024.
Working days and days off on the Day of Russia
Thus, for those whose work schedule provides for a standard "five-day", the alternation of weekends and working days for the June holidays of 2019 will look like this:
- 8-9, Saturday-Sunday - a standard two-day weekend;
- 10, Monday - regular working day;
- 11, Tuesday - a "short" day (according to the law, on the eve of a holiday, the duration of the working day / shift should be less by an hour, while such a day is paid in full);
- 12, Wednesday - a festive non-working day, timed to coincide with the celebration of the Day of Russia;
- 13-14, Thursday-Friday - regular working days.

With a six-day workweek, the schedule will be similar, with the adjustment that all Saturdays will be workdays. Those who work on a shift schedule and will be obliged to go to work while the whole country is walking, work on June 12 should be paid double.
Note that schoolchildren who take the exam and the State Exam, as well as students (who, as a rule, have a summer session in June), on a holiday on June 12 have the same right to rest as working citizens of the country - the administration of educational institutions should not appoint for this date exams, consultations, tests and other events related to the educational process.