Many Russians are used to making weekend plans in advance, especially on holidays. How long will you have to rest in connection with the upcoming International Women's Day and how to get the most out of the weekend?

International Women's Day 2019
In 2019, March 8 falls on the last working day of the five-day period. This means that the rest will last for three whole days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. By the way, in 2017, the residents of Russia rested on this holiday for only one day, and in 2018 they walked as much as four. According to the legislation, the working Thursday shortened by one hour will be a pleasant bonus, since it is pre-holiday. It should be noted that the working hours for Russians in March will be twenty days, and International Women's Day is the only official holiday this month.
Where did the tradition of celebration come from?
The month of March has always been considered the time of renewal, the transition from winter to spring. Although the weather remains cold in many regions, mimosa and primroses bloom in the south of the country. On the day of March 8, it is customary to give them to all women and pamper the fair sex with gifts. This is an opportunity to talk about your feelings to mothers, wives, daughters, girlfriends and work colleagues - there are kind words for everyone.
The tradition of celebrating Women's Day in March dates back to ancient times. The girls of Ancient Rome worshiped the goddess Juno, asked her for protection in business and family well-being. Every year on March 1, the female population of the country was released from work and devoted itself to the holiday. In the second half of the 19th century, the feminist movement spread widely in Europe and America. Women from different countries stood up for equality with men. In Copenhagen, the rally was led by Clara Zetkin; many associate the official appearance of the holiday with her name. At the beginning of the new century, the single day of the struggle for women's rights became international.
In Russia, the traditions of the spring holiday have been preserved even under Soviet rule. Until 1965, the eighth day of spring was considered a holiday, but a working day. After all, at first, the young republic of the Soviets had to raise the economy, and in the post-war years, to restore the destroyed economy. Only in 1966 did the holiday acquire the status of an official holiday, which it still is today. In many countries of the near and far abroad, International Women's Day is considered a national holiday and a day off. There are states where only women rest on this day.
How to spend a holiday
March 8 is a great occasion to spend time with your loved ones and friends. A good alternative to a traditional feast would be outdoor activities. On holidays, you can go to the cinema, visit an exhibition, or please your soul mate with a ticket to a theatrical premiere. Any leisure, organized with soul, will leave a lot of positive emotions and pleasant memories.