After the long May holidays, every working person is looking forward to November, because it is in November that an equally important holiday is celebrated - National Unity Day. On this day, everyone is released from work and can join the mass festivities that take place in every Russian city.

How to relax in November 2019
The annual public holiday dedicated to the memory of the liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders was established only in 2005, but has already become one of the favorites. In 2019, National Unity Day falls on Monday. In this regard, the inhabitants of Russia in November will rest for 3 whole days in a row: November 2, 3, 4.

On this day, as always, various demonstrations and rallies will take place. Festivities will take place on large squares in each city, the most ambitious events of course will be held in the capital of our homeland - Moscow on Red Square. After all, it was there in the 17th century that actions took place to liberate our capital by militia fighters under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky.
The history of the holiday
National Unity Day is a relatively new holiday, it was celebrated a little more than 10 times. In 2005, the government signed a decree for the first time, which amended the labor code and designated November 4 as a holiday. It is known that before the establishment of Soviet power, National Unity Day was also celebrated as a state and church holiday by the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from 1649. Officially, the holiday was called "The Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God". The name was connected with the fact that when the city of Moscow was liberated from the Polish invaders, Prince Pozharsky entered the territory of Kitai-Gorod with this icon, and a day later the Polish garrison surrendered, and an act of surrender was signed. The Tsar and the people believed that it was the icon of the Kazan Mother of God that gave the soldiers strength, protection and united them in the fight against the enemy.

When Soviet power came to power, this church holiday was canceled, and the celebration of the Day of the October Revolution of 2017 was introduced - November 7. Now the opposite has happened - the Day of the October Revolution has ceased to be celebrated, and the Day of National Unity has begun to be celebrated again. Therefore, National Unity Day is a resumed holiday, and not introduced for the first time.
Where are the festivities in Moscow
Traditionally, festivities dedicated to the Day of National Unity in Moscow are held on Revolution Square, Manezhnaya Square, Tverskaya Square, on Novy Arbat, as well as in almost all large Moscow parks of culture and recreation. In places of festivities, a wide range of folk art products, treats, delicacies, and national dishes are usually presented. On each square, a stage is set up on which various creative groups who have come to Moscow from all over the country perform: musicians, singers, dancers, even circus performers and clowns. Also, Russian national games and amusements are held, in which anyone can participate.

It is on this day - National Unity Day - that every Russian vacationer will be able to feel like a part of a large, strong and united country.