Training is one of the most effective forms of corporate training, which allows you not only to get the most useful information, but also to prove yourself. The personal outcome and benefits of the training depend on your behavior at the event.

- - self-presentation;
- - Dictaphone.
Step 1
Lead preliminary preparation for the training, especially if its topic is new to you. Study theoretical materials, read several books. Make a list of questions and confusions that you can ask the coach (coach). Define for yourself the main goals and objectives that the upcoming training will help you to solve.
Step 2
Prepare a succinct yet interesting self-presentation. In a few words, tell us about yourself, your goals, the company you represent. Try to impress the participants from the first words. Start communicating in a confident, friendly, and original way.
Step 3
Assess the environment at the training. Identify the most interesting and active participants. It is with them that it is advisable to enter into polemics, participate in games, and exchange questions. In some cases, it is better to play a passive role by listening to more experienced colleagues.
Step 4
Try to solve in the framework of the training particular questions and problems that you are faced with. Despite the fact that someone else's experience can be very useful, a detailed analysis of your situation by both specialists and training colleagues can be the starting point for the next stage of your professional development. That is why do not hesitate to offer your examples for consideration and be active where it is encouraged.
Step 5
React to the statements of other participants in the training, discuss their problems. This is how you can build an effective dialogue with colleagues and learn from other people's experience.
Step 6
Try to capture the most interesting moments of the training. Take notes, make notes on handouts, and if possible, record what is happening on a recorder or camera. Subsequently, you can reproduce the most important points, work on mistakes and analyze different situations.