What Is Induction Training In Production

What Is Induction Training In Production
What Is Induction Training In Production

In accordance with article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for all persons applying for work, as well as for employees moving to another place of work, the employer or a person certified by him must provide instructions on safety and labor protection.

What is induction training in production
What is induction training in production

The order of occupational safety training at the enterprise

Introductory briefings should be given to all employed persons, as well as temporary workers and employees of other enterprises, work performed on an established site, students of educational institutions of the corresponding levels, undergoing industrial practice, and other persons participating in organizational production activities.

The introductory briefing is carried out by an occupational health and safety specialist or an employee who was entrusted with these duties by order of the employer. At large enterprises, appropriate specialists, for example, medical workers, fire brigade, etc., may be called upon to conduct specific sections of the introductory briefing.

The briefing process

The introductory briefing is carried out according to a specially established program created on the basis of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, taking into account the individual activities of the enterprise and approved by the employer in the prescribed manner.

As a rule, the introductory briefing is carried out in the labor protection room or in a specially equipped place using modern teaching aids and clear manuals (posters, models, models, films, etc.).

The briefing process should include:

- familiarization of personnel with the existing harmful and unsafe production factors;

- study of all the requirements of safety and labor protection, written in the local regulations of the organization;

- instructions for labor protection, as well as technical and production documentation;

- the use of methods and techniques for the production of work that does not harm the employee.

The instruction on labor protection ends with an oral test of the knowledge acquired by the worker by the person who conducted this instruction.

A detailed list of questions for drawing up an introductory briefing program is provided in Appendix 3 GOST 12.0.004-90 - "Organization of occupational safety training".

An entry is made about the conduct of the briefing in the registration log of the introductory briefing with the necessary signature of the instructor and instructor, as well as in the document on acceptance for work. Along with the magazine, you can use a personal training card.

The introductory briefing must be recorded in the log book without fail:

- in educational - work with students involved in extracurricular activities;

- in the worker - the work of the head of the enterprise, work teams, etc.
