The main mission of the housing reform is to get rid of dilapidated and dilapidated housing. Such buildings not only create an unattractive view for the city, but most importantly, pose a danger to the life and health of the residents themselves and those around them.

Demolition program
In 2010, the President of the Russian Federation signed a law on the resettlement of dilapidated housing, which is still in force. This program, although slow, but solves the problem of unsuitable housing.
According to the program, the local administration must draw up lists of lists of dilapidated (emergency) housing, then an assessment of the technical condition is carried out, after which a decision is made to carry out reconstruction (major repairs) or liquidate such buildings.
When deciding on the demolition and relocation of residents, the city interdepartmental commission adopts a package of documents, which includes: an application (the form is established); living space plan; technical passport of the premises; free-form complaints from residents; copies of residence agreements; the conclusion of the expert commission.
After the interdepartmental commission of the object is recognized as an emergency, the lease and social rental agreements are terminated, and the issue of providing residents with new housing is being decided.
If the housing is owned, then, by agreement of the parties, resettlement or compensation is provided.
Provision of new housing
One of the questions for the residents of the emergency building is the required area of the future living quarters. At first glance, the norms of the housing code are contradictory. So, Art. 50, 57, 58 of the RF Housing Code speak of the norms for the provision of premises, taking into account the number and gender of residents. Clause 2 of Art. 57 speaks of the extraordinary provision of housing to families whose houses are recognized as emergency. But the key point is that such families should be registered as needy.
And when relocating, Art. 89 ZhK, which says that the provided premises for social rental should be equivalent.
Thus, it makes no sense to talk about "standard footage" in this case. It should be borne in mind that when relocating in accordance with Art. 55 ZhK citizens relocated to an equivalent premises do not cease to be registered as needing residential premises.
In cases where a dwelling is owned, resettlement is also made to an equivalent area or compensation at market value. The winners are the owners of the land, since the assessment takes into account its value and the value of all legal buildings located on it.
So, the main thing when providing housing instead of emergency is the equivalence of the provided housing in terms of area with emergency housing and being in the same settlement.