If the real area of your land plot exceeds that in the documents for ownership, you should not hide it and wait for conflict situations. You can re-register the size of your plot in accordance with the so-called law "On the dacha amnesty".

Step 1
First you need to get an extract from the cadastre about your neighbors, this will be necessary to draw up a land survey. To obtain the necessary information, contact the district cadastral chamber. Make sure that your neighbors do not have reasonable claims about the seizure of extra acres by you.
Step 2
Make sure that the land that you want to attribute to yourself has not been surveyed, it is not privately owned or leased. No one should claim this land.
Step 3
It is necessary to fix the current exact boundaries of the site. This can be done by a cadastral engineer, and you can find one in a specialized service licensed to carry out geodetic and cartographic work. Clarification of the boundaries of the previously accounted land plot is not required.
Step 4
After carrying out the necessary work by cadastral engineers, you will have a ready-made boundary plan of the land to be attached. With this land surveying plan, it will be necessary to contact the local cadastral registration authority for registering new data on the land plot.
Step 5
Keep in mind that with the state cadastral registration of the updated boundaries of a land plot, there are grounds for refusal, for example:
• The area of the attached plot should not exceed a value equal to ten percent of the original land plot.
• The area of the attached plot should not exceed the norms established by local authorities (the value of the maximum minimum size of the land plot)
Step 6
After receiving a cadastral passport for land, it is necessary to submit an application for amending the Unified State Register to the state registration authorities. After that, you will receive a certificate of registration of ownership of the land plot with refined boundaries.