In the daily activities of various institutions and enterprises, it is often necessary to control the opening of premises. The reasons for such control may be different, but its main task is to establish whether there has been an unauthorized entry into an enclosed space. Sealing the premises will be able to accomplish this task, which can be carried out in various ways.

Sheet of paper, print; hanging die, thread, plasticine; sealing devices
Step 1
The easiest way to seal a room is to use paper stamps. Usually this method is used in order to restrict access to the premises for a long time. Take a strip of paper approximately 50x200 mm in size. Put on the strip three to four impressions of the seal (stamp) of the institution, as well as the signature of the person supervising the premises. Glue the seal prepared in this way on a pre-locked door to the room, so that if the door is opened, the seal will be inevitably damaged.
Step 2
Hanging strips can also be used for everyday sealing of premises, for example, warehouses. Such a die can be made of wood, plastic and usually has a recess for plasticine. From the inside of the room, two threads are brought out, one of them is attached to the door, the second to the door frame. Pull the withdrawn threads through the holes in the die and drown in the plasticine. Make an imprint on top of the plasticine with a special metal seal.
Step 3
Instead of a hanging plate, you can also use universal sealing devices "under the thread". They are usually available in three types: aluminum, brass or plastic. The device is attached to the door frame from the outside of the room. Sealing is also done with thread, plasticine and metal printing.
Step 4
To protect and control objects, sealing devices are also used in the form of a folding or sliding rod. The design of the rod allows the room to be sealed in the manner described above (using plasticine and metal printing), but without a thread. A rod of a sealing device attached to the door structure is thrown or pushed onto the door of a locked room, and in this position, a layer of plasticine is applied on top of the rod. Apply a clear impression of the seal on top of the plasticine.