To restore land documents means obtaining a certificate of state registration of rights, title documents, as well as a cadastral plan of the site. To obtain duplicate documents, you need to contact the Rosreestr Office or an authorized local government body.

Step 1
Write an ad in the newspaper that the documents for the land have been lost and that the original deed of ownership (or other document) has been declared invalid. In the ad, write the number and date of the deed of ownership, indicate the cadastral number, area of the land plot, the purpose of its use, address or location, surname, name, patronymic of the owner.
Step 2
Write an application asking for a duplicate of the deed of ownership of the land plot. State the reasons and circumstances due to which the originals were lost.
Step 3
Submit your application to the department of land relations at the location of the site.
Step 4
Attach a newspaper with your ad to the application, a copy of all remaining or restored land documents, including a copy of an identity document; if there is a power of attorney - a copy of the power of attorney and an identity card of the authorized person.
Step 5
The department of land relations must issue a permit for the production of a duplicate of documents.
Step 6
The received permission and all the documents that you have collected concerning the land plot should be attached to the application for issuing a duplicate of documents for the land plot to the Rosreestr Office or, in the absence of information about your land plot in this institution, to the authorized local government body.
Step 7
Pay the state fee for the issuance of duplicate documents. Its size is determined in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2004 N 773.
Step 8
Submit to Rosreestr: an application, permission for restoration from the department of land relations, a newspaper announcing the loss of documents, all preserved copies of papers relating to the land plot. Upon receipt of your application, the employee will have to tell you when the documents will be ready.
Step 9
After the expiry of the waiting period, you can receive documents in person or by power of attorney by presenting your passport