Which Document Contains The Basic Laws Of Our Country

Which Document Contains The Basic Laws Of Our Country
Which Document Contains The Basic Laws Of Our Country

The main legal norms serving as the basis for all Russian legislation are spelled out in the Constitution. This document has the status of the Basic Law and is applied directly throughout the country.

Which document contains the basic laws of our country
Which document contains the basic laws of our country

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is a document containing all the basic legal norms, in the development of which federal constitutional laws, federal laws, and by-laws are adopted. This document establishes the foundations of the constitutional system, fixes the basic rights, duties, freedoms of Russian citizens, defines the principles of state and territorial structure. It is in the Constitution that the main state bodies representing the three branches of government in the Russian Federation are described, the powers and features of the activities of the President of the Russian Federation are enshrined, the foundations for the independence and independence of local self-government are laid.

The highest legal force of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

The significance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the norms contained in it is emphasized by the fact that it is this act that has the highest legal force throughout the country. No federal law or other normative legal act can contain provisions that contradict the Basic Law. To monitor compliance with this requirement, a special independent body has been created - the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which considers cases on the compliance of regulatory acts with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. If inconsistencies are identified, this body adopts resolutions in which it sets out the legal position regarding specific norms. Guided by the specified legal position, interested persons carry out their activities without observing those norms and requirements that are recognized as contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation

The importance and inviolability of the principles enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation is emphasized by the complex and lengthy procedure for amending this act. Particularly difficult is the change in Chapters 1, 2, 9 of the Basic Law, which consolidate the foundations of the constitutional system, the rights, freedoms of citizens, as well as the very procedure for amending this act. Amendments to other chapters are carried out in a simplified manner, which still requires more time and effort than the adoption of a regular federal law. So, the list of subjects included in the Russian Federation changes quite often, since they can unite, be included in the country. Also, amendments may be required due to changes in the structure and composition of the highest bodies of state power. At the same time, the basic principle of any changes is the preservation of the foundations of the constitutional system, the inviolability and the highest importance of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
