Traveling around the world, not all tourists use the services of travel agencies. If you have chosen the path of an independent traveler, then the first thing you will have to face before the trip is the need to obtain a visa to enter the selected country. Different states have different requirements for the design of the visa application form. Since our citizens often choose the neighboring countries of Europe as a place of rest, and 24 of them are included in the Schengen Agreement, we will consider how to correctly fill out the application form for obtaining a Schengen visa. Filling out most of the items in the questionnaire will not cause you any difficulties. We will focus on the points that may cause you difficulties.

Step 1
Fill in the name, surname, place of birth in Latin letters, as in your passport.
Step 2
Write your date of birth this way: year-month-day.
Step 3
If you were born before 1991, then in the question about the state of birth, indicate “b. USSR.
Step 4
Do not fill in item 11 "identification number".
Step 5
In clause 13 "type of travel document" choose a foreign passport.
Step 6
In the question about the country of destination, write the name of the country that will be the destination of the trip. If you want to visit more than one country, indicate the state that is your main goal, i.e. where you want to spend most of your time.
Step 7
In the event that you permanently live in the country of which you are a citizen, do not fill in paragraph 18.
Step 8
In paragraph 26 on previously issued Schengen visas, mark the one you want, and then write the symbols of the states that issued the visas with the duration of the visa.
Step 9
In paragraph 31, indicate the detailed postal address, as well as the email address, telephone number of the hotel in which you will be staying.