A marriage certificate is an official document that is issued by the registry office to confirm the registration of relations between spouses. This certificate may later be needed in different situations, so it should always be at hand.

- - passports of both spouses with a note of marriage
- - completed application
- - paid state duty
Step 1
Together with the marriage registration certificate, marriage stamps are put in passports. All this is necessary for carrying out various transactions: buying an apartment or other property, drawing up contracts of sale, donation, etc. After all, everything that is acquired in marriage is jointly acquired property, and in order to perform any operations with it, confirmation is needed that this decision is mutual. It should be borne in mind that this certificate may sometimes be needed quite unexpectedly, therefore, if it is lost, it is better to start restoring it as soon as the loss is discovered.
Step 2
You can get a new certificate at the registry office in which the marriage was registered or in any other branch of the registry office throughout the country. All data is stored in a single archive, so it can be restored without much difficulty.
Step 3
To restore the certificate, you must fill out an application addressed to the head of the registry office, indicating in it all your data, as well as the date of marriage registration and the reason for the loss of the certificate.
Step 4
After that, you must pay the state fee by taking a receipt from the registry office. Payment can be made at any branch of the bank or through special terminals that can be installed in the office of the registry office itself.
Step 5
Next, you should provide your passports with a mark of marriage, submit an application and paid state duty. After a while, you will receive a new certificate in your hands, which will indicate that this is a duplicate. If you turned to the registry office where you contracted the marriage, then you can restore it almost immediately, and if in another, then you need to wait a few days until information about you is received from the archive.
Step 6
A duplicate of the certificate issued to you has the same legal effect as the original. The duplicate can also be restored in case of loss in the registry office.
Step 7
When restoring a certificate, the presence of both spouses is not necessary, the main thing is the presence of their passport data.