Any decision of the court ends with a decision, or a sentence. In addition, the court often requires the submission of documents as material evidence. It happens that the parties to the trial simply do not have time to make copies. But the originals of the documents should be kept with you, not in the courthouse after the completion of the process. Therefore, they need to be removed from the court. In all cases, you can apply with a requirement to issue you documents.

Step 1
How to take a statement to court? In accordance with article 135 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the court is obliged to return your statement of claim, as well as all the documents that were attached to it, within 5 days from the date of appeal. To do this, you will need to write a statement addressed to the magistrate. This procedure does not deprive you of the possibility of re-applying to the court. In the upper right part, indicate the name of the court to which you are applying, as well as your last name, first name, patronymic, and residential address. Then step back the space and write the word "Petition" in the center. Now state your requirements in a free form, writing when and for what reason you filed an application with the court. Ask for it back to you. It is best to substantiate the reason for which the statement is made. For example, in the case of a divorce, it is enough to indicate: "In connection with the reconciliation of the spouses." Under the text of the petition, put the date of writing and your signature.
Step 2
How to pick up documents that act as material evidence? All documents of this kind will be returned to the rightful owner after the end of the trial. You just need to contact the court office and request the issuance of documents. It is also possible to apply in writing before the end of the judicial investigation. In this case, the decision to issue the documents will be made by the judge during the hearing. In the petition, indicate the full name of the court, your procedural status, last name, first name, patronymic, address of residence. In the main text, write what documents you want to receive and on what case they are being held. Please sign and date.
Step 3
How to pick up a court decision? The third category of documents includes court decisions and sentences. You can get them either to the address you specified during the court proceedings, or by contacting the court office upon a written application. The decision must be fully prepared within five days after the end of the consideration of the case in court. When applying in writing, write your procedural status, the number of the criminal case, and the requirement to give you a copy of the verdict (decision). Remember: the issuance of the verdict (decision) takes place in the court office only upon presentation of an identity document.
Step 4
Any person who will have a notarized power of attorney giving him the right to perform legal proceedings on your behalf can receive all types of these documents.