The emblem was the symbol of any state, city from time immemorial. The coat of arms is the face of public law, it is the coat of arms that carries the secrets and values of the state. What is depicted on the coat of arms of the Russian Federation?

The Russian coat of arms depicts the following: a red heraldic shield, the corners of which are rounded at the bottom, and at the top they are left as the tops of a quadrangle. On the shield in the center is a proud golden eagle with two heads looking in two directions, which spread its wings. In his right paw is a scepter, and in his left paw is a power. Above each head of the eagle there is a crown, which are then, as it were, united by one large crown. In addition, the Russian coat of arms depicts a rider on horseback and with a spear striking a dragon. This composition is shown in silver. The rider's cloak is blue.
The image of the Russian coat of arms can be interpreted from different points of view, in accordance with the rules of heraldry. The direction of the eagle's heads suggests that the state is guarding its possessions, and will not give offense to its citizens. Spread wings characterize the Russian state as a strong power, ready at the right time to defend both its own interests and the interests of disadvantaged groups. This is evidenced by the defeat of the dragon, who fell under the strong hooves of a reliable horse, and with the help of a spear, the rider strengthened his victory. United crowns are the symbol of the state's sovereignty. Despite the fact that Russia is recognized as a secular state, echoes of Christianity are also present: the very symbol of the two-headed eagle was borrowed from Byzantium.
It is noteworthy that the image on the Russian coat of arms is officially enshrined by the legislator in the Federal Constitutional Law dedicated to the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. This form of the law suggests that it is important for the state to have respectful attitude of citizens to the symbol of Russia, because there are not so many FKZ in the Russian Federation at the moment. It is interesting that the legislative description of the coat of arms was substantially supplemented in 2000, in connection with the adoption of the FKZ. The pre-existing "Regulation" did not give such a detailed description of the shape of the shield. The eagle was indicated only as "golden" and "two-headed", the crowns were indicated as the crowns of Peter the Great, the color palette of the shield on the eagle was not indicated, and the position of the dragon was not given. Probably, this was done so that every citizen could know in detail and even tell what is depicted on the Russian coat of arms.
It is impossible to use an exact copy of the coat of arms for official documents, so the stamp is usually an image of an eagle, without a large shield in red, blue, bright green. Other colors are not acceptable. The color scheme when depicting the coat of arms must also be maintained: the colors of shields, eagle, horseman or dragon cannot be changed. And the direction of the horse's movement should be to the right, not to the left.
The Russian coat of arms depicts the attitude of the state towards its citizens and the respect of residents for the state. The coat of arms carries the strength of the Russian people, its power and nobility.