Probably, no one is safe from receiving a summons and being summoned to the prosecutor's office as a witness, suspect, accused or defendant. Having checked the correctness of this document and signed for its receipt, you must appear at the designated time to testify. If you feel you are right, you need to behave confidently with the prosecutor and not give in to provocations.

Step 1
The prosecutor has the right to conduct an interrogation along with his deputy, investigator or interrogator. Before the conversation, he is obliged to read you your rights. Ask, if this question is important to you, that it be recorded on a tape recorder or VCR, make sure that this request was noted in the minutes.
Step 2
Answer the question about your personal data and decide how the protocol will be conducted. You have the right to fill it in yourself. After that, your task is to answer the questions posed by the prosecutor. No matter how you hold back your emotions, excitement is inevitable. So try to distract yourself and calm yourself down. If your hands are shaking, take a pencil or pen, jacket button in them. They can be twisted in your hands to mask your excitement.
Step 3
Before answering a question, pause, do not rush to answer. This will help and reduce the pace of the conversation, its intensity, you can feel more confident. Answer politely and kindly, do not let yourself be humiliated or supportive. Don't get involved in discussions, don't ask questions. Do not forget that by law you are not obliged to testify against yourself and your loved ones; in case of coercion, refer to Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Step 4
Try to report only those facts in which you are firmly convinced. Considering that after a few hours it is common for a person to forget up to 30% of what he saw, you can safely say that you do not remember the details of an event that happened a few months ago. Note that you do not want to mislead the investigation.
Step 5
Demonstrate a willingness to cooperate, but make sure that all formalities are followed. Be sure to read the protocol before signing it. Remember that the prosecutor is involved with the prosecution. Put the painting right after the text so that you cannot enter any additional information. Do not sign an empty form, on which, supposedly, the transcript of the protocol from the tape recording will be recorded later. Check that the minutes include the date and time of the interview.
Step 6
When it turns out during interrogation that you are testifying as a suspect, you should be told what you are specifically suspected of. In addition, this must be stated in the protocol. You have the right to refuse to testify and require the presence of a lawyer whom you personally trust. Know your rights and demand that they be respected.