Simple steps to reduce academic nausea in SEO copy by 2-3%. Follow the instructions step by step and after a few texts you will be able to write in such a way that you will forget about the agony with nausea for many years.

Step 1
Pick an idea for what you are going to write about. Give the article a working title (ideally a topic), gather information on the topic, and put together a structure. Divide the text into semantic blocks in advance. All this will help to distribute keywords evenly throughout the text and avoid overspam.
Step 2
Copy the keywords from the technical assignment and place them at the beginning of the article. Delete keys that are part of other keys. For example, "order expensive" can be removed if you already have "order expensive valerian for seo-optimizer". Also remove all the same keys, but with different endings.
Step 3
Distribute all the keys into semantic blocks. Add some keywords to the subheadings if they don't break the structure of the article. The headline and subheadings should be related. For example, if the heading is "how to reduce academic nausea", then the subheadings with the keys will be "break the keys according to the text", "prepare the structure of the article", etc.
Step 4
Make up 2-3 theses in each block. With each key, write sentences or paragraphs. So you will have a clear plan of what you need to write about, and you do not have to shove keys randomly throughout the text.
Step 5
Write a draft article. When it's ready, submit the text for the first review.
Step 6
If the percentage of nausea is more than the required norm, increase the length of the article or rewrite a few paragraphs. See what you can add useful to the text. SEO-optimizers often make mistakes with the volume, demanding the impossible from the copywriter. If you write a little more useful information for the reader (without water), the text won't get any worse.
Step 7
After the editors again throw the text for review. If 0, 2-0, 1% is not enough to the desired indicator, add one or two harmless sentences.