Staff turnover is the scourge of thousands of companies. It can happen for many reasons. The most common of these are inconvenient schedules and lack of motivation. But also a frequent change of personnel is observed in organizations where they are trying to save money and assign the functionality of two vacancies to one employee without a corresponding increase in pay.

It is necessary
- - staffing table;
- - qualification characteristics;
- - job descriptions;
- - motivational cards;
- - labor contracts.
Step 1
Make a staffing table or revise the old one - it may not correspond to the true needs for a long time. While dealing with this issue, one should not ignore the revision of the work shift schedule. It often happens that they can be increased or slightly moved without violating the rights of the employee, and as a result, one staff unit is freed. A rational way to reduce staff is to increase the competence of employees. This can be expressed, for example, in the provision of training opportunities. When qualifications are improved, both sides benefit - both the employee and the employer. In addition, such an opportunity significantly increases staff loyalty.
Step 2
Develop motivational cards. Remember that these are individual schemes, they cannot be the same for everyone. Some are more motivated by the possibility of career growth - they will not leave if they know that, for example, in six months they will receive certification and, possibly, they will be promoted. Accordingly, they will try to work conscientiously. Others are motivated by the presence of a social program, such as the ability to send children to camp in the summer, take free passes for them to the pool, etc. Third, the spirit of competition is important and for them the main motivator is public reward for actual merits (victories).
Step 3
Create a team atmosphere that will make your employees feel comfortable. In many ways, it depends on the schedule of work shifts, timely payment of wages and the like. But not in the last place is the "team spirit". If the company has the opportunity, order team building (team building) trainings every six months. If this is not possible, arrange for the almost forgotten "health days" by going out into the countryside on weekends. A good option is to invite employees together with their families, in this case the percentage of those who "shirk" for "family reasons" will be much lower.
Step 4
Enter the bonus bonus system. Bonuses should not be taken for granted, but if the employee has achieved any predetermined results, he should be encouraged. The bonus system is one of the best ways to increase motivation and reduce employee turnover.